DCFS And Dependency Court

Why You Need the Top Lawyers

Navigating the intricacies of DCFS court is a task that demands more than just legal know-how—it requires deep experience, unwavering commitment, and genuine empathy towards child and family welfare. The system’s complexities paired with the high stakes of potentially separating families make it vital to have the best representation.

Top lawyers come equipped with a vast reservoir of case knowledge, ensuring effective system navigation, and they provide invaluable emotional support during these challenging times. Additionally, their expertise in building strong defenses, particularly in instances of false allegations, is paramount to safeguarding the rights and futures of those entangled in the DCFS process.


What We Help With:

Child Abuse & Neglect

Representing all parties involved when child abuse or neglect is suspected.

Foster Care

Expert advice and representation for foster parents, biological parents, and children in care.

Termination of Parental Rights

Navigating the complex proceedings of parental rights termination.


Establishing and contesting guardianship arrangements.

Juvenile Delinquency

Representing children in the dependency system facing delinquency charges.


Expertly challenging or defending dependency court rulings and orders.


Assisting families in legally adopting children from state custody.


Guiding minors through the legal emancipation process.

What We Are Experts At

DCFS Cases

Complexity of the System

The DCFS system is riddled with intricate procedures and legal nuances. Top lawyers possess a deep understanding of these complexities, ensuring you navigate the system effectively.

High Stakes

The outcomes in DCFS court directly impact families, potentially resulting in the separation of children from their parents. Given these profound implications, having the best legal representation is paramount.

Experience Matters

Top lawyers have handled countless DCFS cases, understanding the subtleties of arguments that can make or break a case. Their seasoned experience translates into strategic advantages in court.

Building a Strong Defense

DCFS cases often involve sensitive and personal information. Top lawyers know how to build a robust defense while respecting and maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of the families involved.

Multifaceted Approach

The best lawyers don't just rely on legal arguments. They also leverage psychological evaluations, expert witnesses, and other resources to build a comprehensive case.

Emotional Support

Beyond legal prowess, top DCFS lawyers provide emotional and psychological support during what can be an extremely traumatic time, ensuring clients feel heard, understood, and cared for.

Navigating False Allegations

In instances where false allegations of abuse or neglect arise, top lawyers are crucial in meticulously dissecting evidence, protecting the rights of the accused, and ensuring a just outcome.

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Stages of a DCFS Case

Report and Investigation

  • Concerned Individuals report suspected child abuse or neglect.
  • DCFS decides whether the report warrants an investigation.
  • DCFS Investigations the allegations, which may involve home visits, interviews with the parents, children and other relevant parties.
  • DCFS Determines if the allegations are “unfounded” or “indicated.”
Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

The investigation phase is a key time to hire an attorney. We can help you make the best decisions during this crucial moment.

Stages of a DCFS Case
Safety Assessment/Petition"

Safety Assessment/Petition

  • If a child is found to be at immediate risk, DCFS may take protective custody.
  • Court approval is typically required within a specific time frame.
  • If DCFS believes ongoing court intervention is needed, they may file a petition alleging the child is abused, neglected, or dependent.
Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

Maintain open communication with your attorney, provide them with all relevant information, and follow their guidance closely to ensure a thorough and effective defense of your parental rights during this critical stage.

Shelter Care Hearing

  • A hearing to determine if the child should remain in protective custody or be returned home.
  • Takes place shortly after the child is removed from the home.
Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

Gather any evidence or witnesses that support your case, and present yourself respectfully and cooperatively in court to demonstrate your commitment to your child's well-being

Shelter Care Hearing
Adjudication Hearing

Adjudication Hearing

  • The court hears evidence concerning the allegations.
  • The judge determines if the child is abused, neglected, or dependent.
Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

Work closely with your attorney to understand the allegations against you, gather evidence and witnesses to support your defense, and present your case clearly and convincingly in court to challenge DCFS's claims and protect your parental rights effectively.

Disposition Hearing

  • If the child is adjudicated abused, neglected, or dependent, this hearing determines what services the family and child need.
  • It sets the terms for family reunification or other permanency goals.
Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

Your compliance with any court orders is key in this stage. Your attorney will then be able to advocate for a case plan to prioritize reunification with your child.

Disposition Hearing
Case Plan Developement

Case Plan Developement

  • DCFS develops a case plan outlining services and interventions for the child and family.
  • Parents may need to complete certain tasks (e.g., counseling, parenting classes) to reunify with their child.
Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

Work diligently to meet goals, and maintain thorough documentation of your progress to demonstrate your commitment to reunification and ensure a smooth process.

Review Hearings

  • Periodic court reviews to assess progress on the case plan and the child’s well-being.
  • Determines if the child can return home or if changes to the plan are needed.
Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

Attend all hearings, communicate openly with your attorney, and actively participate in the review process by providing updates on your compliance with the case plan and addressing any concerns or challenges promptly.

Review Hearings
Permanency Planning Hearing

Permanency Planning Hearing

If reunification isn’t achieved within a specific timeframe, the court may consider other permanency options, such as adoption, guardianship, or long-term foster care.

Pro Tip - Matt Koohanim
Pro Tip

Work closely with your attorney to understand the permanency options available and demonstrate your commitment to ensuring a stable, nurturing environment for your child's long-term well-being.

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